Hydro Demolition
Hydro Demolition is the technique used for the controlled removal of concrete from any physical structure using either High Pressure (HP) or Ultra High Pressure (UHP) water jets. First developed in Europe it has gained worldwide acceptance as the preferred method for strategic concrete demolition, partial concrete removal and concrete scarification (scabbling) for a range of building structures.
The hydro demolition process is an incredibly safe and efficient way to cut and remove concrete without affecting existing steel substructures and other critical parts of buildings or machinery. Using hydro demolition equipment guarantees a high-quality surface, ready for reinstatement with new material. Precision control of high-pressure water jets ensures that rebars remain intact and potential cracks are avoided.
At X-Force Building and Construction we continue to innovate and pride ourselves on delivering project specific solutions and we will always offer and advise our clients as to the best and most cost-effective way to achieve their desired outcome. We have a range of safety lance solutions that can ensure precision cutting whilst our robotic systems belt through concrete at a mass rate.
Cutting edge technology maximises production and efficiency, removes operator from workface and provides a safe, accurate removal method in a variety of applications. Hydro demolition is the sustainable way to protect and preserve concrete constructions. The method is ideal for removing deteriorated and damaged concrete. With Hydro demolition equipment you also leave a sound and good surface, ready for reinstatement with new material. Precision control of the high-pressure water jets ensures that the rebars remain intact after the operation.
The Robotic Hydro Demolition technique is much safer than other approaches, dramatically reducing the risk of workplace injuries and enables optimum productivity and safety, resulting in less down time.
Manual hydro demolition lancing offers the benefits of high-pressure water jet concrete removal over other traditional techniques in cases of restrictions or small volume requirements.
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